sábado, 7 de mayo de 2011

6 string Bass Viol

Six string english bass viol, based on the Iohn Rose at the Victoria and Albert Museum.
Again,a bent top on five pieces and no decoration except for the single purfling on the soundboard (the original has a double one)(and now that I remember tailpiece and fingerboard are also decorated)

Allways liked the scroll very much, since the first time I saw it at the museum, and when we had the opportunity to handle it and have a close look at it, I was further asserted on that opinion.
I found it very well proportioned in all aspects (for my personal taste).

Sei sokako biola baxu bat, Iohn Rose en instrumentu batean oinarrituta, Victoria and Albert Museum en dagoena. Bost piezatako tapa armonikoa eta ez du apaingarri berezirik, jatorrizko instrumentua bezain soila, agian kordal eta diapasoian apaingarriren bat sartuko dugu?
Boluta edo marraskiloa instrumentu hoetan beti iruditu zait zoragarria, mantentzen dituen proporzioengaitik batez ere.

Bajo de seis cuerdas basado en un modelo de Iohn Rose en el Victoria and Albert Museum.
Tapa doblada en cinco piezas. Apenas tiene decoración excepto el fileteado en motivo de nudos en el diapasón y cordal.
Realmente bonita y bien proporcionada la voluta original.

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